Photo 1

Artist statement

        I create my work to show feelings and concepts I may not be able to put into words. It is common that I have to use pictures to articulate my thoughts. My goals are to create photography that makes the audience question the work. I want people to find solace in my work and relate to the things I am portraying. I hope that through my work, other people can articulate the things they feel. I hope I can bring a form of catharsis to my audience.
       When I create my work, I first decide the emotions I wish to express. I visualize what that emotion means to me, what I think of when that is brought to mind. I commonly listen to music that I feel portrays that emotion to channel my thoughts. I choose materials and techniques my trial and error. I try to, as much as possible, not use props, I prefer a natural candid shot, free of manipulation.
       When I was younger, I expressed emotional extremes, for I did not know exactly how to channel my emotion. I would make art for other people, reaching to relate myself to it. As I have grown I have learned how to create work for myself, showing the things I feel and how I see the world. I like to explore the sides of myself I normally repress and choose not to show. Used to create dark work for the sake of darkness, however, I now create work that ranges from bright to dark, because I have a range of feelings, not just one.


  1. - We both like use lots of depth of field to our pieces and I think you executed it really well.
    - Your narrative series is really well done. The exposure is great and I really like the shade of grays in the photo.
    - I would say you should try out some more landscape photography. It seems like with the quality of your other work you could do some really cool landscapes.


  2. - What is a personal connection you have with one or more of their pieces?
    I really liked your picture of the grandmother and the granddaughter. It reminded me of my grandma and I.
    - What themes, concepts, or messages do you see in their work?
    In your photography there is a lot of creativity and originality in the pictures you take.
    - Give them a photography assignment for after this semester: What do they need to work on? What do you want to see more of? What do you think they're afraid of trying in terms of photography?
    A photography assignment after this semester would be to go out of your comfort zone and take more portraits because the first and only portrait on your portfolio is really good.

  3. ***Required Feedback For Each Peer***

    - What is a personal connection you have with one or more of their pieces?
    I feel connected to the minimalism photos. Something about that kale just rings my wagon.
    - What themes, concepts, or messages do you see in their work?
    I see the concept of quality and quantity. Every piece seems to be properly thought out and even better execution.
    - Give them a photography assignment for after this semester: What do they need to work on? What do you want to see more of? What do you think they're afraid of trying in terms of photography?
    Honestly dude you're really good and skilled at za photography. The only thing I can think of is taking different types of photos with different subjects, possibly of yourself.

  4. What is a personal connection you have with one or more of their pieces?
    You have a lot of great pictures using reflections and mirrors and I also like to take those photos.
    - What themes, concepts, or messages do you see in their work?
    I see lots of minimalist photos. I like the simplicity in your photos, especially in your minimalist photos in your portfolio.
    - Give them a photography assignment for after this semester: What do they need to work on? What do you want to see more of? What do you think they're afraid of trying in terms of photography?
    I want to see more surrealism photos because you had really good ideas for ones in your portfolio.

  5. - What is a personal connection you have with one or more of their pieces?
    I connected with how you used shallow depth of field in your work. It really brought out the details and close up shapes of objects. I really like the close up of the cabbage. It really interested me, and I was amazed by the details that were evoked with using such a nice camera.
    - What themes, concepts, or messages do you see in their work?
    I found a lot of interesting themes and concepts through your work. Your work displayed many "positive vibes", and "professional" concepts. Your work was very detail orientated and explored many different fields of photography.
    - Give them a photography assignment for after this semester: What do they need to work on? What do you want to see more of? What do you think they're afraid of trying in terms of photography?
    I feel like maybe you could explore visual trickery because that could be a subject you could really succeed in. Your have amazing skills, techniques, and a very good understanding of compositional tools. Your photographs are amazing.

  6. I personally connect to the photos because of what you take pictures of and I also try to capture my surroundings of what is near me outdoors. the color is cooler especially the snowy ones they offer an colder mood and theme. this theme offers a colder vibe. the images are well done and very good quality. the photos he took are well exposed and have great creativity with his work and it shows that he can see what would make for a good piece.
