- In between the tiles, grass grew, but it was never pulled or weeded. It was simply left. now it lies, dead between the times
- This is an example of things we leave behind.
- I felt the photograph would have depth and texture while showing the position of the grass
- Leading lines, texture, asymmetrical balance, fill the frame.
- The boards that were once new and straight are now warped and in disarray.
- Although not left behind completely, the signs were never fixed.
- I felt it would be interesting to capture the line of the signs as they went up.
- contrast, large amounts of negative space, leaving lines, using the sky as negative space, simplicity.
- This baseball is naturally cracked and destroyed from sitting alone in the dugout.
- this ball was lost under the bench and forgotten about. no one noticed that it was slowing breaking down form not being used
- When I saw the ball under the bench against the blue tarp, I immediately needed to photograph it.
- texture, contrast, the rule of thirds.
(outside of class)
- The nails have, over time, been pushed out of the wood as well as become very rusted
- although not necessarily forgotten about, they were not thought about, nor were they preserved
- I felt as though there would be a cool effect if I were to take this picture from this angle. The nails would look interesting as they pulled out of the wood.
- symmetry, contrast, texture, negative space.
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